Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Jan 6, 2025
We are thankful that Faith & Liberty is based on Capitol Hill at the epicenter of our federal government. Here we can stay in touch with those who make decisions that affect the lives of everyday Americans. Here we can be a consistent voice for life, freedom, and the family.
Thank you for making it possible for this ministry to be present and active on Capitol Hill. You will see from the notes and photos below that because of our ministry and the relationships we have cultivated through the years, we were able to meet with many incoming members of Congress and their staff this past week. Pray that these connections bear spiritual fruit as we minister and stand for life, freedom, and the family on Capitol Hill.
Thank you, and God bless you with a good start to 2025. May His will be done in our lives and in our country!
Your missionaries in Washington, D.C.,
You form the backbone of Faith & Liberty because of your prayers and financial support. Please also pray about becoming one of our vitally important monthly contributors. Sign up for monthly giving on our website using the DONATE button below and select the option, “I would like to make this a recurring donation.” If you prefer to call, please ask for Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you. You truly are an important part of our ministry, and we thank you!
The Faith & Liberty team visited over 50 congressional offices to welcome new members of Congress and to invite the congressional staffers to our Bible studies and events.
Wednesday night our Ministry Center will be taken over by the interns, which we love! This is a time of fellowship and Bible study for the interns.
Saturday night, interns will drop in for a Game Night.
On Jan. 20, the morning of the presidential inauguration, our team along with two other ministries will be distributing 50,000 Commemorative Scripture books at the inauguration.
We will also host a meet-and-greet for Faith & Liberty supporters coming for the inauguration. Let us know if you will be in Washington for the festivities around the presidential inauguration and can stop by the Ministry Center. Please call Patty Bills at 202-737-1776 or email her at [email protected].
There will be many other inauguration activities, including a breakfast for volunteers at the Ministry Center, an inauguration watch party, co-hosting the Presidential Inauguration Christian Gala, and the National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral on Jan. 21.
During inauguration week, we will also host or participate in key pro-life events. Stay tuned for more on those activities, including our LIFE Reception and Prayers & Remembrance — Victims of Roe as we remember the preborn with prayer and 3,000 flowers laid in front of the Supreme Court.
Pray for our outgoing and incoming leaders to lead in righteousness and with humility.
Pray for protection against terrorism in the wake of recent attacks.
Pray for safety and blessing over this month’s events and activities, including Bible distribution at the inauguration and our pro-life memorial and reception.
Thank the Lord that we were able to visit and have good conversations with many incoming members of Congress last week.
Thank the Lord for new and continuing Bible studies this year! Pray for new people to join and commit to this shared time in studying the Word of God together.
Pray that the message of our Live Nativity will continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of our leaders who serve in Washington, D.C., and with many others who saw the event in person or online. If you haven’t been able to watch the presentation yet, you can still view it on our Facebook page at Faith & Liberty | Facebook.
Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!
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