Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Dec 30, 2024

It’s been a quiet week on Capitol Hill and at our Ministry Center — with the exception of Christmas gatherings and gift exchanges. It's a perfect time to look back to see what God has done this year through the ministry of Faith & Liberty. Glory to His name!
We are grateful, too, for those of you who have prayed for the ministry and staff members of Faith & Liberty throughout the year. The Lord also led some of you to give financially to sustain our unique and vital ministry on Capitol Hill, and we thank you! As many of you are now considering your year-end giving, we ask you to remember and support Faith & Liberty as the Lord leads you. Any gift given today or tomorrow will be DOUBLED by a year-end Challenge Grant. Will you make your year-end gift today?
May God abundantly bless you as we approach a brand-new year with anticipation for what He will do in and through us all!
Your missionaries in Washington, D.C.,

The Faith & Liberty team

You form the backbone of Faith & Liberty because of your prayers and financial support. Please also pray about becoming one of our vitally important monthly contributors. Sign up for monthly giving on our website using the DONATE button below and select the option, “I would like to make this a recurring donation.” If you prefer to call, please ask for Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you. You truly are an important part of our ministry, and we thank you!

  • The Faith & Liberty team hosted the annual Prayers of Remembrance — Victims of Roe memorial service on Sanctity of Human Life Day. Our team and likeminded friends laid more than 3,000 flowers in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in memory of the babies lost to abortion every day in America.

  • Faith & Liberty hosted a LIFE Reception at the Ministry Center in January, the same day as the March for Life. Alveda King, a niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was among the key pro-life leaders who joined us.

  • Patty Bills attended a dinner with 70 pro-life pastors who came to the capital for events surrounding the March for Life.

  • Peggy Nienaber attended the 11th Annual Law of Life Summit, an exclusive gathering of pro-life leaders, lawyers, media, advocates, and influencers.

  • Peggy participated in the National Gathering of Prayer and Repentance at the Museum of the Bible in January.

  • Peggy gathered with many of the faithful on Capitol Hill to mark the start of the Lenten season in February.

  • Peggy and Patty attended the Values Action Team Summit Reception hosted by Speaker Johnson in March. Peggy Nienaber opened in prayer at the at the Speaker’s request, joined by Rep. Robert Aderholt. Peggy also attended the Values Action Team meeting where John Stemberger, president of Liberty Counsel Action, presented new pro-life initiatives.

  • The 2nd Annual Hill Ministry & Faith Fair was held in March in the Cannon House Office Building. Hundreds of members of Congress and their staff attended the event organized by House Chaplain Margaret Kibben. Faith & Liberty hosted a table and shared about our ministry. Patty (pictured right) made and served the popcorn!

  • Protesters showed up outside the Supreme Court in March as the Justices heard oral argument on the abortion pill. Faith & Liberty held a prayer rally through a mob of people who came with evil intent.

  • Faith & Liberty held the 2nd Congressional Bible Reading in April in the U.S. Capitol. Members of Congress from both political parties read from the New Testament at the House Chaplain’s office.

  • Faith & Liberty took part in April's closing ceremony of the U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon.

  • The Faith & Liberty team co-hosted the annual Rooftop Prayer Encounter in April in the U.S. Capitol. Our prayers focused on the nation’s capital with the themes “Reflection, Redemption and Revival.”

  • We held a women’s clothing swap one Saturday in April to help congressional staffers and interns shop on a budget.

  • Peggy enjoyed a night of fun and fellowship with the Capitol Hill interns at the Washington Nationals baseball game in May. The interns have also gathered at our Ministry Center many Friday nights for games and fellowship.

  • Staff members of Faith & Liberty and other Capitol Hill ministries attended the grand opening in June of the new Interfaith Staff Prayer Room in the Cannon House Office Building.

  • In June, Faith & Liberty hosted a Prayer Night at our Ministry Center focused on praying for our nation’s capital and upcoming elections. The next day, we hosted all-day prayer for the Supreme Court and its decisions.

  • Faith & Liberty team members found rest and refreshment at the annual retreat in August and brought many needs to the Lord in prayer.

  • Faith & Liberty co-hosted a screening of Unthinkable, an Abby Johnson film on the abortion industry. Members of Congress and congressional staffers attended a screening in September in the U.S. Capitol. Faith & Liberty and Liberty Counsel Action also co-hosted a screening at the Ministry Center for leaders on Capitol Hill. A discussion was held afterward with Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and Deborah Tilden, co-producer of the film.

  • Rev. Greg Cox, Faith & Liberty’s senior pastor, addressed the Igniting the Remnant Pastors Training Conference.

  • The Pop-Up Worship Night is a new wonderful event at our Ministry Center and a great way to worship our Lord. Each time we have this event on Friday evening, around 30 interns and congressional staffers gather. It is beautiful to hear them praising the Lord together.

  • Rev. Greg Cox attended a September meeting on Capitol Hill with high-ranking military and diplomatic officials addressing Iran and the threat it poses.

  • Faith & Liberty honored law enforcement at the U.S. Capitol Police Officer of the Year Recognition Breakfast at the U.S. Capitol.

  • Peggy spoke at a She Leads America event at the U.S. Capitol.

  • Peggy participated in the A Million Women — An Esther Call to the Mall in Washington, D.C.

  • Peggy Nienaber, senior vice president of Faith & Liberty, and Jonathan Alexandre, vice president of governmental affairs of Liberty Counsel, led prayer on separate days during the 40 Days USA, a virtual call to prayer for our nation featuring 40 Christian leaders.

  • We continue to host many Bible studies each week at our Ministry Center. Each gathering has its own Bible focus along with good attendance, prayer, listening ears, and fellowship. The interns sometimes enjoy a pizza night, homemade casserole, and s’mores on the fire pit on the patio.

  • Peggy facilitated Rock Wednesday, our monthly prayer time on Capitol Hill.

  • Patty worked diligently to obtain permits for our Live Nativity presentation and coordinated with a skilled sewing circle for the new costumes made possible by a donation from a generous supporter. Capitol Hill was the site of this powerful presentation of the gospel in December.


Praise God for all He has done through you and your partnership with Faith & Liberty this year, from one-on-one prayer times to the public reading of God’s Word and much more!

Pray for God’s protection and blessing over January activities, including Bible distribution at the inauguration and our pro-life memorial and reception.

Pray for new Bible studies to start well in the new year!

Pray for the outgoing and incoming administrations as they end and start their terms, respectively. Pray for continued peace and security in our nation’s capital.

Pray that the message of our Live Nativity will continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of our leaders who serve in Washington, D.C., and with many others who saw the event in person or online. If you haven’t been able to watch the presentation yet, you can still view it on our Facebook page at Faith & Liberty | Facebook.


Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!

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