Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Nov 6, 2023
Sometimes what is happening overseas comes to our shores. The war on Israel started nearly a month ago, and pro-Palestinian protests have been ramping up ever since. In what appears to be a growing mass movement, demonstrators gathered in cities as diverse as London, Ottawa, Santiago, and Sydney — and here in Washington.
This weekend, thousands gathered in our nation’s capital holding signs seeking justice for the Palestinians and calling for a ceasefire. Protestors pushed against the White House fence, smeared red paint on a White House gate, and draped monuments of historic figures with the Palestinian flag.
Although protests are not permitted inside congressional buildings, that didn’t stop pro-Palestinian demonstrators from staging them. It became difficult for members to work as demonstrators blocked hallways and entered members’ offices in the Cannon House Office Building. Police arrested over 300, who were ticketed and released.
We ended up moving our tailgating event with the interns on Saturday because we wanted everyone to feel safe and not have to contend with traffic issues due to multiple road closures and demonstrators being bussed in to protest.
We say all this as reminder to remember us in prayer. There have been other times, like during the overturn of Roe v. Wade, when the environment got heated in Washington, and you stood with us then. The Lord has always protected us as we served here on Capitol Hill, but we do not take it for granted. We pray, we ask for wisdom, and we heed the direction He gives. Most of all, we know that God’s good purposes will stand for America, for Israel, and in the earth.
Thank you for praying with us and supporting us in these challenging times when our ministry is needed more than ever!
The Faith & Liberty team
You form the backbone of Faith & Liberty because of your prayerful financial support. As we begin to plan and prepare for the Live Nativity in December, please keep our team and the preparations in your prayers. If you would kindly consider an extra gift toward this event, you can do so on our Faith & Liberty website, or call Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you. Thank you!
Peggy will participate in Tuesday's Senate Bible study with Senate Chaplain Barry Black.
Thursday nights are devoted to Chapel Night for interns and those who work on Capitol Hill. Every Thursday, we will gather to sing and pray for our nation’s capital.
Plans will soon be set for our Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving meals for those who will not be able to go home during the holiday.
Capitol Hill will soon get a glimpse of the King of Kings and Prince of Peace in our Live Nativity. We look forward to this highlight of the year held in front of the Supreme Court on December 7 at 11 a.m. This week we’ll be preparing some videos to present to churches to recruit volunteers for our Live Nativity!
Plans are coming together for the January 2024 events, including the LIFE Reception, March for Life Rally, March for Life, and Prayers and Remembrance: Victims of Roe.
Praise the Lord that another 11 interns followed the Lord and joined a D.C. church this weekend. Some of these are interns we have interacted with through our mentoring ministry.
Pray for God’s protection and blessing over our upcoming events, including the Live Nativity as a demonstration of the gospel on Capitol Hill.
Pray for our many Bible studies and prayer times. Pray that new people will be open to receiving invitations to join and learn.
Praise God for the leaders who are seeking to be faithful in their work in Congress. Pray for wisdom for new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.
Pray against antisemitism in America, in Israel, and in other nations abroad. Pray for protection during protests on Capitol Hill and across America.
Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!
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