Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Aug 28, 2023

This weekend was wonderful! We celebrated as seven young adults, including interns and congressional staffers, testified of their faith in Christ and were baptized — and 27 joined the local church!

This week, the next batch of interns is coming to Capitol Hill, so we are working diligently now to hammer out our plans for the fall. Many of these young people will be future government leaders in one capacity or another, so we want to see them become established in their faith in this pivotal time of life.

As these new interns and as all of us walk through Washington, D.C., we see Old Glory flying. We pledge our allegiance to the flag — including “under God” — as an important symbol of our nation. Ultimately, though, our allegiance is to God above all, as Hebrews 13:15 encourages:

“Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.”

Join us in making that sacrifice of praise for all God is doing through Faith & Liberty. Thank you for your prayers and financial support toward our vital mission in the nation’s capital. We are grateful for you and for your commitment to faith, freedom, and the family!

Your missionaries in Washington, D.C.,

The Faith & Liberty team

You are an important part of our ministry. Our supporters form the backbone of Faith & Liberty because of your prayerful and financial support. Please pray about becoming one of our vitally important monthly contributors. Sign up for monthly giving on our website using the DONATE button below and select the option, “I would like to make this a recurring donation.” You can also call and ask for Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you.


  • This past Sunday we rejoiced that several congressional staffers followed Christ in the waters of baptism. These young adults shared their testimonies publicly, some for the first time.

  • It was a joy to witness more than 25 young adults join the church in Washington, D.C. It is an encouragement to see how God is moving in this city.

  • This last week before Congress is back in session and Capitol Hill is back in business gives our team time for last-minute planning meetings and finalizing plans for all of our upcoming events. Pray for us as we continue to make connections and complete necessary paperwork.

  • We hope to take over 50 congressional staffers and interns to the annual Faith Day with the Washington Nationals on Labor Day weekend. The event includes a post-game program featuring a live performance by the NCC Worship Band and testimonies from Nationals players. Pastor Ben Palka from King’s Church will lead this special time.

  • This Saturday we will enjoy Beach Volleyball with congressional staffers for fun in the sun and sand (though not really on a beach but a great way to end the summer together)!

  • Faith & Liberty’s new hour of prayer in the U.S. Capitol — “Rock Wednesday” — is open to anyone working in the congressional offices. The theme is based on Matthew 7:25: “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Faith & Liberty Vice President Peggy Nienaber will host and lead the prayers during this once-a-month prayer time that starts in September.

  • The CHANGED Movement will be based at Faith & Liberty’s Ministry Center the week of Sept. 19. CHANGED members, who came out of the LGBTQ culture, will focus on educating members of Congress and their staff, and minister to any who want to leave that culture and identity in their past.

  • Faith & Liberty will host a Fairness in Women’s Sports luncheon at noon-2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 22, in the Rayburn House Office Building. This forum will be about men participating in women’s sports, including the proposed NCAA changes that have allowed biological male athletes into women’s locker rooms in collegiate sports. Faith & Liberty’s Peggy Nienaber will be the moderator of a panel discussion on the implications of these changes, with guests including swimmer Riley Gaines; Olympic Gold and Silver track medalist Dr. Madeline Manning Mims; Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America; and congressional leaders Rep. Greg Steube, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, and Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith. If you need further details or would like to attend, you are invited to email [email protected].

  • Faith & Liberty is planning for September’s U.S. Capitol Police Officer of the Year Recognition Breakfast. This event gives us an opportunity to share the gospel and acknowledge law enforcement on Capitol Hill.

  • Planning is underway for December's Live Nativity. Please pray about the volunteers, costumes, and paperwork for permits for this event.


  • Praise the Lord for the young adults who professed faith in Christ and were baptized on Sunday. Pray that they would become established in their faith through the church and through the ministry of Faith & Liberty.

  • Pray for continued direction as we plan the fall season’s activities with interns and staffers. Pray for these young people who are new to life in our nation's capital.

  • Pray for the new Bible Studies and Think Groups. Pray that serious and heartfelt questions will be answered and that those who come will grow in their understanding of God’s Holy Word.

  • Pray for divine appointments with key leaders on Capitol Hill. Pray that our Bible studies and prayer times with these leaders will encourage them and that they will be fully yielded to the Lord.

  • Pray that ministry and churches in Washington, D.C., will stand for faith, freedom, and the family.

  • Pray for a spirit of humility among our nation’s leaders and that they would stand for righteousness.


Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!

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