Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Oct 19, 2020

What an eventful week. As your missionary team to our nation’s capital, Faith & Liberty has been in the heart of a prayer rally for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Radical protesters tried to force their way into the Senate building but were stopped by Capitol Police. This is the intensity of attacks expected throughout this confirmation process.

A confirmation vote is expected in the next week and a half. Our team will continue to oversee and intercede throughout the confirmation process. If you haven’t already, please voice your support for the Senate to fill this Supreme Court vacancy by signing our petition and faxing the Senate directly.

We are continuing our 40 Days of Prayer leading up to the election. Each day a prayer submitted by a pastor, Faith & Liberty supporter, or Faith & Liberty team member is sent out, along with an accompanying verse. Our purpose is to bring people together to pray for our nation and the upcoming election. We are thankful that you are joining us in interceding for America.


Peggy Nienaber, Vice President


Here are just a few of our activities over the last few days.
  • Peggy Nienaber & Greg Cox led a PRAYER RALLY and Press Conference for Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett in front of the Supreme Court.
  • Peggy Nienaber & Greg Cox led daily prayers in front of the Senate Buildings during the daily confirmation hearings of nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
  • Peggy Nienaber visited the White House to meet with President Donald J. Trump.
  • We joined US Commission on International Religious Freedom virtually to discuss religious freedom conditions in Turkey.
  • Our Team continues the "40 Days of Prayer" for the upcoming Presidential election.
  • We continue to host our Monday Bible study for congressional staffers. A new group/session is starting. Please keep them in your prayers.


We are in the middle of the 40 Days of Prayer. Please make sure you pray with us daily for our country and leaders.We continue to pray for our constituents. Please click here to submit your prayer requests. Let us pray for you!

There is so much happening in our nation’s capital that demands our attention and immediate response. Look for our ACTION emails coming up this week. We greatly appreciate everyone standing with us both in prayer and through your generous support.


Please pray for the presence of God in the chamber of the Senate and the U.S. Supreme Court. We pray for God's "Justice" in our government.

As your missionary team, we are making a difference on Capitol Hill! But, it’s only because of your generous investments in this unique ministry that we are able to fulfill God’s calling upon our lives.

Please pray for your missionary team at Faith & Liberty. And, stand with us through your generous support! God is working! God is working!
Thank you for your support!