Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Aug 10, 2020

It’s been a whirlwind week! Thank you for being a partner to this ministry. We couldn’t do what we do without your help.

We are daily building relationships and are often invited into high level meetings on Capitol Hill to pray, minister, and dialogue about current issues of concern to the faith community.

Of course, you make all of this possible by partnering with us. Thank you for your support.

And, thank you for making a difference!

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President


  • We hosted our Monday Bible Study for congressional staffers. Building these relationships helps us strengthen these young adults and it gives us a friendly face for when we are visiting the congressional offices.
  • We participated in study and group committee meetings, as well as one-on-one meetings where I was able to pray and encourage numerous individuals.
  • We participated in a closed group meeting with the Frontline doctors and Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel (our F&L Chairman).
  • We attended a Free Speech Alliance Meeting.
  • We participated in a webinar on Title VII with Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel.
  • We, together with dozens of pastors and key leaders, participated in an informative virtual meeting regarding hydroxychloroquine with Dr. Simone Gold. We prayed over her during the call.
  • We were involved in discussions regarding the hydroxychloroquine controversy.
  • We continue to work on Bible Reading Marathon details along with other prayer events.


We have an excellent opportunity as we will now host the Bible Reading Marathon at our ministry center – right across the street from the United States Supreme Court and one block from the US Capitol Building. We are excited and look forward to this powerful event. We are still in need of virtual readers, so if you would like to join us and read a portion of the Bible please sign up online, under Faith & Liberty EVENTS. The 2020 US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon is September 12th - September 19th.

We are preparing for our Prayer Retreat as well as the 40 Days of Prayer that will begin toward the end of September. 40 Days of Prayer focuses on praying for the election of individuals who will bring Biblical principles to Capitol Hill, something desperately needed during these challenging times.

We have several study and group meetings we are participating in this week as well as a Bible Study with other leaders from across Capitol Hill. In addition, the Aglow International Group will be visiting the ministry center as we join together in intercessory prayer for our country and our leaders.

Every day we strive to stay abreast of important national issues that impact every American as well as pastors and churches across the nation. There is so much happening in our nation’s capital that demands our attention and immediate response. At this very moment we are resisting efforts by Big Tech to censor truth — especially with the elections fast approaching. Additionally, the shutdowns are having a deadly consequence as new data shows that the lockdown is costing more lives than the virus itself.

Look for our ACTION emails coming up this week. We really need everyone to take a stand with us both in prayer and with your generous investments in this ministry.


Please say a prayer for our own Greg Cox (Lead Missionary) as he continues to work from home while recovering from COVID-19.

Continue to keep Faith & Liberty in prayer as we strive to develop and strengthen our relationships with so many of our public policy makers. We can't always write about the specific details of some of the meetings in which we participate, but we welcome your prayers so that we know how to meet the needs of our public policy makers. We are making a difference as your missionaries on Capitol Hill and it's only because of your generous gifts that we are able to fulfill God’s calling on our lives.

Thank you!

Make a difference and partner with us.