Announcing the 2020 Challenge Grant!
Your Donation Today Will Be DOUBLED in its impact thanks to a providential challenge grant!
A generous Faith & Liberty supporter has established a Challenge Grant, which will double the effect of your donation today!
Your Support is Vital — Now, More Than Ever!
Today, our religious liberties are under perpetual and intense assault.
Never have we been faced with more opportunities to defend the rights of Christians and uphold our values in the courts. Extremists are pushing the most radical secular movement in the history of our nation.
Scurrilous lawmakers are targeting Christians and violating our First Amendment rights by closing and restricting our churches.
Because religious liberty must be vigorously defended, Faith & Liberty is deeply resolved to meet the escalating challenges in the nation's courtrooms, in legislative chambers and in the court of public opinion.
Please help keep our ministry team engaged on Capitol Hill in defense of liberty, life, faith and the family with a special gift. The fact is, we need your help and America needs patriots like you and me to continue the fight to save our churches and restore our precious religious liberty!